
Call for Scientific Editors for Scientia International


Scientia International, a quadrilingual publisher that publishes in Portuguese, English, Spanish, and Mandarin, is seeking qualified scientific editors to join our prestigious Editorial Committee. This is a unique opportunity to make a significant contribution to the international scientific community by collaborating with a publisher that values diversity, inclusion, and academic excellence.

Read more about Call for Scientific Editors for Scientia International

About Scientia International: Global science in open access

Scientia International is an innovative startup in the publishing sector, committed to globally transforming the dissemination of scientific knowledge. We are dedicated to making science widely accessible by removing linguistic and financial barriers, fostering a world where high-quality scientific information is free and open to all.


Scientia International Press: Innovation in Scientific Publishing

Our division, Scientia International Press, provides open access book and journal publications. The editorial team ensures rigorous evaluation and offers services such as peer review, plagiarism detection, multilingual publication, indexing, global visibility, digital preservation, and flexible licensing.


Open Review and Linguistic Inclusivity

We employ an open and transparent review model that democratizes access to scientific knowledge. Reviewers and authors are identified, and their review reports are published alongside the articles, creating an environment of transparency and constructive dialogue. On the Scientia International Journals platform, we accept articles in any language, which are then translated and published in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, with metadata available in six languages: German, Spanish, French, English, Mandarin, and Portuguese.

Books can be published in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, without mandatory translation, respecting the author’s choice of original language. Metadata is also made available in these six languages.


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Book Publishing:
Journal Article Publishing: