Open Peer Review

Committed to Transparency and Innovation in Academic Publishing



At Scientia International, we embrace the Open Peer Review (OPR) model, a progressive approach in the peer review process. This model reflects our commitment to transparency, open dialogue, and academic integrity. In Open Review, both authors and reviewers are identified, and review reports are published alongside the final article.


Why Open Review?

- Increased Transparency: Mutual identification of authors and reviewers promotes more honest and constructive communication. This encourages open and respectful dialogue, crucial for a fair and effective review process.

- Enhanced Accountability: By making identities public, both reviewers and authors are encouraged to maintain integrity and quality in their comments and responses.

- Knowledge Enrichment: Publishing review reports alongside articles allows readers to better understand the context and evolution of the work, enriching the educational experience.

- Promotion of Trust in Science: Transparency in the review process helps build trust in published research, reinforcing its credibility within the scientific community.


How Open Review Works?

- Submission and Identification: Upon submission, authors and reviewers are informed about the open nature of the review process.

- Open Peer Review: Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, and their identities are disclosed to authors. Similarly, authors are known to reviewers.

- Constructive Feedback: Reviewers provide detailed feedback, which is openly shared with authors for potential revisions.

- Publication of Review Reports: Review reports, along with reviewer identities, are published alongside the accepted article.


Commitment to Integrity

At Scientia International, we understand that Open Review is a bold step towards greater integrity in scientific publishing. We are dedicated to continually enhancing our practices to meet the needs of the academic community and maintain the highest standards of excellence.